
Radiate wellness from within

Hailing from Stamford, UK, get ready to meet our dynamic yoga instructor, Gabrielle! From ballet to international gymnastics competitions and pole vaulting, she's done it all!

After retiring from competitive sports, she found solace in yoga, drawn to its gentle yet powerful practice.

Inspired by the physicality of yoga and its deeper dimensions, she brings her unique blend of athleticism and spiritual depth to her classes with thoughtful sequencing and creative challenges in a playful and supportive environment.

With an eclectic playlist of electronic desert tribal beats, join Gabrielle as she invites you to be present, move with intention, and connect mind, body, and spirit.

Guilty pleasure : Sex in the City – the TV show – I could watch it dusk to dawn!

Favourite place : Black Rock City, Burning Man

Favourite asana : Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand)

Favourite artist : Lemurian

Favourite music